Debate Best Practices

This platform subscribes the definition of "Argument" stated below:


ar·​gu·​ment : a coherent series of reasons, statements, or facts intended to support or establish a point of view.

We don't view it as an angry quarrel or disagreement. From our perspective, there are probably three reasons to post an argument here on I'll Debate You. The first is to annoy or antaganize other users. For the most part you are viewed as an internet troll with nothing better to do. This behavior is will not be tolerated here. See our Acceptable Use Policy for more on this. The second is to vent! It is human nature to blow off steam and be heard. While this is a valid position, we prefer that an argument be presented to change the minds of those with opposing views.

When presenting your argument, be clear in your opening statement.
  • Keep it short. Use one sentence that clearly conveys your argument
  • Don't make the statement too broad. (for example: Don't say something like "Climate is killing us all" Try "Greenhouse gasses produced by private jets are contributing to the depletion of the ozone")
  • Select a category that best fits your argument (in the example above, Climate would most likely be the best fit)
The details section is where you provide facts supporting your opening statement.
  • Keep the argument focus on the message or concept you are trying to convey
  • Provide as many facts as you can
  • Provide links to other sites that support your position
  • Try to keep opinion out of the argument. (for example: It won't convince others if you say something like "The best cars are red". This leaves other users with no alternative action. They either agree with this opinion or they don't)
  • Show some humility. Your argument will go further if you concede valid points made by users with an opposing view
  • Pepper your argument with a bit of humor. Try not to come off as angry or combative
Add a few tags to the post that narrows the scope of the topic. In our example above, your tags might be #climate, #private-jets, #ozone, #greenhouse-gasses.

Our definition of "Rebut" stated below:


re·​but :to make or furnish an answer or counter proof.

While making an argument is important and takes some diligence...making a thoughtful rebuttal is probably even tougher. Partly because the argument is most likely in opposition to your beliefs and you are now fired up about the issue. But also refuting the position takes just as much thought to make a rational counter to the argument.

Much like the argument, providing as many facts to your Counterargument as you can will help.
  • Again, keep the rebuttal on the message or concept you are trying to convey
  • Also provide as many facts as you can
  • Provide links to other sites that may support your position
  • Keep opinion out of the argument.
  • Show some humility. Your rebuttal will go further if you concede valid points made by users with an opposing view
  • Pepper your rebuttal with a bit of humor. Try not to come off as angry or combative

  • Things to also remember

    A good argument will get a lot of thoughtful rebuttals and comments. Showing users that you can accept and at least consider other's point of view, goes a long way. If there are good points made by a user, click the checkmark to select the best rebuttal. If a better rebuttal comes in after that, you can always update your selection.
    Image from Gyazo

    Remember, insults do not persuade others to view your position favorably. Now why not Present a new argument. "Ruffle some feathers, be kind, change minds!"