About Us
I'll Debate You is a debate platform developed for people who want to engage with other users about subjects they are passionate about. If you’re like us, you are probably tired of scrolling past useless videos, click-bait posts, phony news stories, and other mindless dribble found on most other sites. It's exhausting and frankly we feel dumber while doing it. If you are here in search of the most pageviews, clicks, and followers...you probably don't understand the platform.
If you want to learn from and/or educate others about important topics, then this site will probably work for you.
I'll Debate You allows users to post thoughtful arguments. This is where a user states their position about a topic that interests (or annoys) them. We then allow users to post rebuttals to those arguments. Users can also post comments and reactions. While we know the topics found here can be charged with emotion and people can be very passionate about things, we try and keep the animals in their cages (can we say that here?). What we mean is we do our best to keep things on topic and not personal. While we don't generally edit user content...we do moderate when needed.
To reiterate the Your Responsibility for Posting Content section found on the Terms of Service page:
Although we reserve the right to refuse access or edit or remove content that violates these Terms, you acknowledge and accept responsibility and liability for content posted by you or any other user ("User Content"). We have no obligation to monitor the User Content, and we do not endorse or authorize any User Content or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed in such User Content. You are solely responsible for any User Content you post and any consequences arising from posting or publishing such User Content.
With that out of the way...why not Present a new argument. "Ruffle some feathers, be kind, change minds!"
If you want to learn from and/or educate others about important topics, then this site will probably work for you.
I'll Debate You allows users to post thoughtful arguments. This is where a user states their position about a topic that interests (or annoys) them. We then allow users to post rebuttals to those arguments. Users can also post comments and reactions. While we know the topics found here can be charged with emotion and people can be very passionate about things, we try and keep the animals in their cages (can we say that here?). What we mean is we do our best to keep things on topic and not personal. While we don't generally edit user content...we do moderate when needed.
To reiterate the Your Responsibility for Posting Content section found on the Terms of Service page:
Although we reserve the right to refuse access or edit or remove content that violates these Terms, you acknowledge and accept responsibility and liability for content posted by you or any other user ("User Content"). We have no obligation to monitor the User Content, and we do not endorse or authorize any User Content or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed in such User Content. You are solely responsible for any User Content you post and any consequences arising from posting or publishing such User Content.
With that out of the way...why not Present a new argument. "Ruffle some feathers, be kind, change minds!"